
The RAMMS::Debrisflow module was developed to simulate the runout of muddy and debris-laden flows in complex terrain. The module is used in Switzerland and worldwide for debris flow hazard analysis and to aid in the design mitigation measures. It combines state-of-the-art numerical solution methods with helpful input features and user-friendly visualization tools. Many of the input and output features have been optimized to allow engineers and geoscientists to define event scenarios, evaluate simulation results, and predict the influence of proposed structural mitigation measures on the runout of debris flows.


DEBRISFLOW Publication List

Barnhart, K.R.; Jones, R.P.; George, D.L.; McArdell, B.W.; Rengers, F.K.; Staley, D.M.; Kean, J.W., 2021: Multi-model comparison of computed debris flow runout for the 9 January 2018 Montecito, California Post-Wildfire Event. Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface, 126, 12: e2021JF006245 (33 pp.). doi: 10.1029/2021JF006245

Meyrat, G.; McArdell, B.; Ivanova, K.; Müller, C.; Bartelt, P., 2022: A dilatant, two-layer debris flow model validated by flow density measurements at the Swiss illgraben test site. Landslides, 19: 265-276. doi: 10.1007/s10346-021-01733-2

Zimmermann, F.; McArdell, B.W.; Rickli, C.; Scheidl, C., 2020: 2D runout modelling of hillslope debris flows, based on well-documented events in Switzerland. Geosciences, 10, 2: 70 (17 pp.). doi: 10.3390/geosciences10020070

Graf, C.; Christen, M.; McArdell, B.W.; Bartelt, P., 2019: An overview of a decade of applied debris-flow runout modeling in Switzerland: challenges and recommendations. In: Kean, J.W.; Coe, J.A.; Santi, P.M.; Guillen, B.K. (eds), 2019: Debris-flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, monitoring, modeling, and assessment. 7th intemational conference on debris-flow hazards mitigation (DFHM7), Golden, USA. 685-692.

De Haas, T.; McArdell, B.W.; Conway, S.J.; McElwaine, J.N.; Kleinhans, M.G.; Salese, F.; Grindrod, P.M., 2019: Initiation and flow conditions of contemporary flows in Martian gullies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124, 8: 2246-2271. doi: 10.1029/2018JE005899

Frey, H.; Huggel, C.; Chisolm, R.E.; Baer, P.; McArdell, B.; Cochachin, A.; Portocarrero, C., 2018: Multi-source glacial lake outburst flood hazard assessment and mapping for Huaraz, Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6: 210 (16 pp.). doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00210

Frank, F.; McArdell, B.W.; Oggier, N.; Baer, P.; Christen, M.; Vieli, A., 2017: Debris-flow modeling at Meretschibach and Bondasca catchments, Switzerland: sensitivity testing of field-data-based entrainment model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 17, 5: 801-815. doi: 10.5194/nhess-17-801-2017

Fan, L.; Lehmann, P.; McArdell, B.; Or, D., 2017: Linking rainfall-induced landslides with debris flows runout patterns towards catchment scale hazard assessment. Geomorphology, 280: 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.10.007

Bartelt, P.; McArdell, B.; Graf, C.; Christen, M.; Buser, O., 2016: Dispersive pressure, boundary jerk and configurational changes in debris flows. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9, 1: 1-6. doi: 10.13101/ijece.9.1

Berger, C.; Christen, M.; Speerli, J.; Lauber, G.; Ulrich, M.; McArdell, B.W., 2016: A comparison of physical and computer-based debris flow modelling of a deflection structure at Illgraben, Switzerland. In: Koboltschnig, G. (eds), 2016: 13th congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016. 30 May to 2 June 2016. Lucerne, Switzerland. Conference proceedings "Living with natural risks". 13th congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 30-June 2, 2016. 212-220.

Frank, F.; McArdell, B.W.; Huggel, C.; Vieli, A., 2015: The importance of entrainment and bulking on debris flow runout modeling: examples from the Swiss Alps. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 15, 11: 2569-2583. doi: 10.5194/nhess-15-2569-2015

Walser, M.; Huggel, C.; McArdell, B.; Graf, C., 2014: Gefahrenkartierung von Murgängen. Numerische Modellsimulationen im Vergleich zu empirischen, analytischen Methoden. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 106, 3: 215-218.

Walser, M.; McArdell, B.; Huggel, C.; Graf, C., 2014: Inwiefern eignen sich numerische Modellsimulationen für die Gefahrenkartierung von Murgängen - ein Vergleich. FAN Agenda, Fachleute Naturgefahren Schweiz, 21-23.

Hohermuth, B.; Graf, C., 2014: Einsatz numerischer Murgangsimulationen am Beispiel des integralen Schutzkonzepts Plattenbach Vitznau. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 106, 4: 285-290.

Graf, C.; Deubelbeiss, Y.; Bühler, Y.; Meier, L.; McArdell, B.; Christen, M.; Bartelt, P., 2013: Gefahrenkartierung Mattertal: Grundlagenbeschaffung und numerische Modellierung von Murgängen. In: Graf, C. (eds), 2013: Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft, St. Niklaus, June 29 - July 1, 2011. 85-112.

Scheidl, C.; Rickenmann, D.; McArdell, B.W., 2013: Runout prediction of debris flows and similar mass movements. In: Margottini, C.; Canuti, P.; Sassa, K. (eds), 2013: Landslide science and practice. Vol. 3. Heidelberg, Springer. 221-229. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31310-3_30

Bühler, Y.; Graf, C., 2013: Sediment transfer mapping in a high-alpine catchment using airborne LiDAR. In: Graf, C. (eds), 2013: Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft, St. Niklaus, June 29 - July 1, 2011. 113-124.

Raïmat, C.; Riera, E.; Graf, C.; Luis-Fonseca, R.; Fañanas Aguilera, C.; Hürlimann, M., 2013: Experiencia de la aplicación de RAMMS para la modelización de flujo tras la aplicación de la soluciones flexibles vx en el barranc de Portainé. In: Alonso, E.; Corominas, J.; Hürlimann (eds), 2013: VIII Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables, Palma de Mallorca, Junio 2013. 1131-1144.

Deubelbeiss, Y.; Graf, C., 2013: Two different starting conditions in numerical debris-flow models – case study at Dorfbach, Randa (Valais, Switzerland). In: Graf, C. (eds), 2013: Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft, St. Niklaus, June 29 - July 1, 2011. 125-138.

Simoni, A.; Mammoliti, M.; Graf, C., 2012: Performance of 2D debris flow simulation model RAMMS. Back-analysis of field events in Italian Alps. In: 2012: Annual international conference on geological and earth sciences (GEOS 2012), Singapore. (6 pp.).

Hussin, H.Y.; Quan Luna, B.; Van Westen, C.J.; Christen, M.; Malet, J.-P.; Van Asch, Th.W.J., 2012: Parameterization of a numerical 2-D debris flow model with entrainment: a case study of the Faucon catchment, Southern French Alps. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12, 10: 3075-3090. doi: 10.5194/nhess-12-3075-2012