
Over the last years, members of the RAMMS team had the opportunities to conduct several rockfall experiment days in Svalbard, Norway, The remote area is deserted and therefore offers many suitable test areas. The experiment day takes place as part of a student workshop at the University Center in Svalbard (UNIS). In addition to lectures and exercises, the SLF researchers carry out experiments together with the students. They digitize the stones, equip them with sensors and record how they fly through the air and where they come to a standstill. In addition, they create a terrain model together with researchers from UNIS and with the help of a ground-based laser scanner. They then use the data obtained in the exercise part to simulate exactly the same conditions and thus contrast and compare the model with reality. The combination of hands-on field experiments together with the pre- and post-experimental, numerical assessement provides a holistic educational approach for new generations of hazard engineers.